Cwa Character & Ship Wiki
Biographical Information
Homeworld Coruscant
Born 70 BBY
Status Dead
Physical Description
Species Human
Gender Male
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Skin color Fair
Chronological and political information
  • Rise of the Empire era
  • Rebellion era
  • Jedi Knight
    • Jedi Master


D'Kar Akaar was a male human and a Jedi Master in the Jedi Council.D'Kar was born on 70th BBY on planet Coruscant.He is the son to Anna Akaar and Mech'ollo Akaar.They both were the Jedi Knights that never made to the Jedi Council.

D'Kar's parents was killed on 50 BBY.They were killed by a group of Death Watch.From that day,D'Kar hated Death Watch.Master Yoda was telling him about revenge.But D'Kar didn't understand.He was more closer to revenge.

Then he was captured by a Death Watch Mandalor Pre Vizsla.He was lucky that Jedi arrived day later.After years,when Clone Wars began,D'Kar became a Jedi Master and got a seat in the Jedi Council.He also had a padawan named Mentisa Annora.

In the time of Order 66,D'Kar survived.He was hiding in the forests of Corellia and Kashyyk.In the jungels of Dromund Kaas,until a Mandalorian Rage Ordo found him.Soon,D'Kar became a True Mandalorian after 5 years of training under Rage's watch.
